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HomeGeopolitical CompassWest & Centeral AsiaAverting a new Iranian nuclear crisis

Averting a new Iranian nuclear crisis

Author: Robert Einhorn

Affiliation: Brookings

Organization/Publisher: Brookings

Date/Place: January 17, 2020, U.S.

Type of Literature: Analysis

Number of Pages: 8 


Keywords: Nuclear, JCPOA, Agreement, Iran, U.S.


In this report, the writer highlights the Iranian-American crisis, as Iran announced in January of this year that it is no longer bound by the restrictions imposed on it in the nuclear deal (JCPOA), after President Trump unilaterally withdrew from the deal in May 2018. The author argues that there are no indications that Iran is in a hurry to expand nuclear capacity, and is highly unlikely to have a nuclear crisis along these lines, at least for now. Additionally, to make a nuclear crisis less likely, the author calls on the countries participating in this agreement to explore with Iran an interim arrangement that would temporarily freeze or rollback advances in Iranian nuclear capacity in exchange for some U.S. sanctions relief measures. An interim agreement would provide a bridge for negotiation of a more formal agreement that would build on, revise the JCPOA, and perhaps address other issues dividing Iran from the United States and other countries.

By: Taqwa Abukmeil, CIGA Research Assistant



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