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HomeGeopolitical CompassNile Valley & N.AfricaAlgerian-Turkish Relations: From Alienation to A Need For Strategic Ties

Algerian-Turkish Relations: From Alienation to A Need For Strategic Ties

Author: Imad Atoui

Affiliation: Center For Islam and Global Affairs

Organization/Publisher: ORSAM (Ortadoğu Araştırmaları Merkezi, Center for Middle Eastern Studies)

Date/Place: October 20, 2020/Ankara, Turkey

Type of Literature: Policy Brief 

Number of Pages: 16


Keywords: Algeria, Turkey, Strategy, North Africa, Mediterranean 


This policy brief is directed to policy decision makers in Algeria and Turkey towards the need for strategic ties. Despite the long distance friendship, the issues and challenges faced by MENA force both Algiers and Ankara to revise their policies towards each other. Instead of focusing only on cultural and economic ties, strategic and political rapprochement between Algiers and Ankara can be beneficial not only at the national level, but also at the Mediterranean and the MENA levels. Accordingly, Algerian-Turkish bilateral, political, and geostrategic relationships are a requirement of the current time. The recent formed diplomatic and strategic ties between Algiers and Ankara could lead both countries to transcend their differences, and work together to reposition themselves strategically. 

By: Imad Atoui, CIGA Research Associate



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