Author: M.Yoserizal Saragih
Affiliation: Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara (Indonesia)
Organization/Publisher: Konfrontasi Journal: Culture, Economy and Social Changes
Date/Place: September 7, 2021/Indonesia
Type of Literature: Research Paper
Number of Pages: 10
Keywords: Women Journalists, Taliban, Power
The author analyzes the situation of women journalists in Afghanistan after the Taliban came into power on August 15, 2021. Various media outlets have reported women journalists being threatened, and their power being limited by the new Taliban regime. Media channels including CNN Indonesia, Detikcom and MediaOne TV have reported incidents where the Taliban are banning women journalists from working. The Taliban had promised to let women work under their rule, but those promises have arguably been tarnished by a number of incidents. Based on such incidents, some Afghan women are fearing the return of the Taliban’s old rule of law, that was reported to be cruel and unfair and majorly male dominated. However, Taliban officials are claiming to have moved on from its old rule of law. They have promised a right of education to every woman, placement in government departments and Burqa as no longer mandatory. Taliban rule has just started and it is too early to draw conclusions, but what policy making the Taliban puts out will aspire to be based on Sharia law, a key principle in the Taliban’s current regime.
By: Ruby Clayton, CIGA Research Associate